Talisman - translation to german
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Talisman - translation to german

Talismans; Talismanic object
  • Islamic talisman engraved with a quote from the [[Quran]], 7th or 8th century AD
  • Polygonal talisman inscribed with micro-calligraphy, 17th century India
  • Christian talisman (Breverl), 18th century
  • Seal of Solomon
  • The [[Talisman of Charlemagne]], also a [[reliquary]], said to have been found on his body when his tomb was opened
  • Talismanic shirt, 15th–early 16th century Northern India
  • The Serpent's Gate

n. talisman, charm believed to bring good luck or avert evil, amulet, mascot
n. Talisman
n. Amulett, Talisman


·noun Hence, something that produces extraordinary effects, ·esp. in averting or repelling evil; an amulet; a charm; as, a talisman to avert diseases.
II. Talisman ·noun A magical figure cut or engraved under certain superstitious observances of the configuration of the heavens, to which wonderful effects are ascribed; the seal, figure, character, or image, of a heavenly sign, constellation, or planet, engraved on a sympathetic stone, or on a metal corresponding to the star, in order to receive its influence.



A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are made. Talismans are often portable objects carried on someone in a variety of ways, but can also be installed permanently in architecture. Talismans are closely linked with amulets, fulfilling many of the same roles, but a key difference is in their form and materiality, with talismans often taking the form of objects (e.g., clothing, weaponry, or parchment) which are inscribed with magic texts.

Talismans have been used in many civilizations throughout history, with connections to astrological, scientific, and religious practices; but the theory around preparation and use has changed in some cultures with more recent, new age, talismanic theory. Talismans are used for a wide array of functions, such as: the personal protection of the wearer, loved ones or belongings, aiding in fertility, and helping crop production.

Examples of use of Talisman
1. Edward Heaths Büste steht schon länger im neuen Thatcher–Winkel vor dem Plenarsaal, aber es ist noch niemandem in den Sinn gekommen, sie für einen Talisman zu halten.
2. Doch in Korea ist das Symbol spätestens seit dem Neujahrstag des christlichen Kalenders allgegenwärtig: goldene Schweine vor Kaufhäusern und Bankfilialen, als Gebäck oder in Plastik gegossen, als Talisman und Schmuck fürs Handy.
3. Der zweifache Weltmeister (als Spieler und als Trainer) und langjährige FC–Bayern–Präsident Beckenbauer ist nichts davon und alles gleichzeitig: "Der Kaiser" ist ein nationaler Talisman, eine Art pater patriae.